"He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
Ecclesiastes 3:11
This verse is everywhere lately. And I don't think that's a coincidence.
This last year and a half has been hard. The loss of my mom has been no less than unbearable most of the time. I have learned to live without her, but life never seems to feel the way I think it should. He is making this beautiful.
It's easy to feel as though we've been forgotten in our heartache, when the truth is we are still very much facing loss. As we deal with my mom's estate, as we go through her things and decide what to keep and what it's time to get rid of, as we still smell her on her clothes, we are forced to feel the loss over and over again. He is making this beautiful.
Relationships have come and gone. Jobs have been harder than ever. Babies have been born who will never know their Gran-Jan. He is making this beautiful.
I can say this with confidence, because I have learned that the God who allows darkness in this life is also the God who brings light. The God who often seems silent in my heartache proves that He's been listening to my cries. He's taken more than I would ever willingly give up, but He's giving me more than I ever knew to ask for. The losses have been devastating, but what He's restored has been a beautiful glimpse of the glory that is still to come. He is making this beautiful.
The tears. The sorrow. The physical pain of depression. The loneliness. He is making this beautiful. He is making me beautiful. He makes everything beautiful in its time. And His timing is beautiful.